Early Loss from the womb thru age 3
Zoom MeetingCarolyn Shane, host and Alyssa Pratt, facilitator This is a members-only event. Members will receive an email invitation with additional details.
Every Summer TTSGI hosts an in-person Annual Conference (usually during the second week of July) where twins from all over the U.S., Canada, and the world join together to experience healing, understanding, and the opportunity to help others cope with the loss of their twin.
TTSGI also hosts regional meetings throughout the year (both in-person and virtual). Hosted by Regional Coordinators, these meetings are smaller events that focus on peer-to-peer support. They are designed to be informal and aid in building relationships among twinless twins.
Affinity Groups, hosted virtually, provide a platform to meet fellow twins who share a specific cause of loss or experience, including: First Contact/New Members, Alcohol and Drug Overdose, Unexpected/Sudden Loss, Suicide Loss, Traumatic/Violent Loss, Early Loss, Recent Loss, Mature Loss, Long-Term Illness, Men Only, LGBTQIA+, and Faith-based.
Carolyn Shane, host and Alyssa Pratt, facilitator This is a members-only event. Members will receive an email invitation with additional details.
Host Joan Angelis, Facilitator Alyssa Pratt Meeting dates: September 3, December 3, February 25
This is a members-only event. Members will receive an email invitation with additional details.
Host Beverley Smyk, Facilitator Kimberley Crews Meeting date: November 5
Host Garry Rayno, Facilitator Jan Konya-Grabill Meeting date: September 17
Host and Facilitator Margaret Gron Meeting date: September 17
The fourth support group meeting for Twinless Twin members who lost their twin to long-term illness is coming up on Sept. 17. The special loss meetings are done via Zoom due to the physical distance between us all. Our facilitator Jan Konya-Grabill, who is also vice president of Twinless Twins Support Group International’s Board of […]
Host Carolyn, Facilitator Ruth Selig Meeting date: September 18
Affinity Group for Members Only: “Loss: 15 Years and Beyond,” for those twins who lost their twins a significant time ago. Only those who confirm attendance will be sent the Zoom link. When: Sunday, September 18, 2022 Time: 4:00 pm East Coast; 3:00 pm, Central; 2:00 pm Mountain;1 pm West Coast. The meeting will last […]
Host and Facilitator Ed Echeverria Meeting dates: September 24, November 12, January 7
July 10 - 13, 2025
Tucson, Arizona
Surrounded by the comfort and support of other twinless twins, you will discover new tools and new twin friends to help you on your healing journey. You will leave feeling renewed in spirit and more informed about twin loss and grief. You will finally feel that you are not alone. Twinless Twins and their supporters (spouses, significant others, family, and friends) are welcome.