Helping the Bereaved
How to Help the Bereaved?
Darcie Sims Ph.D., CGC, CHT
Grief management expert Darcie Sims provides a list of things that you can do to help someone who is grieving the death of a loved one.
A Griever's Right to Choose Their Path
Rhonda O’Neill
“The human soul doesn’t want to be fixed, it simply wants to be seen and heard” wrote Parker Palmer. Though not specifically written for twinless twins in grief, this articles speaks to our humanity and encourages grievers to forge paths to healing.
Helping Children With Grief
A comprehensive guide to helping children handle grief.
Supporting Friends or Family Who Are Grieving
The Sibling Connection
A short checklist of things to be aware of when helping a friend or family member through the painful grieving process after loss.
Understanding Grief to Better Offer Your Sympathies
Suzie Kolber
One of the reasons it is so hard for people to know what to say to someone who has experienced death is that they are unfamiliar with grief in the same way. Suzie Kolber offers some guidance to offer better sympathies to those you care about.